Common sense, straight thinking and evolution are not typically associated with religion or spirituality. But it’s scattered throughout this new Large Print Edition of The Sufis by Idries Shah. Not simply Islamic mystics or “hairy-footed metaphysicians”, the Sufis and their teachings took many forms to suit the time, place and people. Surprisingly, their many insights anticipate current social scientific research. Shah’s groundbreaking book has an uncanny atmosphere: mysterious and yet curiously familiar. It’s filled with major historical figures and “secret” societies who were influenced by these remarkable people. It solves ancient lingering puzzles, only to introduce new deeper ones: not for amusement, but as something to work through or grow through. The Sufis adapted themselves to prevailing circumstances throughout history. Could their ancient practical philosophy help us make the necessary changes to solve today’s seemingly intractable problems; and even help us go beyond?
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Just As Well I Came Along comes from Idries Shah’s book, The Pleasantries of the Incredible Mulla Nasrudin, part of a series of books with jokes, anecdotes and stories drawn from Sufi tradition.
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What’s the point of a wise fool? Author Doris Lessing explained that “[Nasrudin's] antics are parallels of the mind's workings, designed to amuse the teahouses, but also for use on other levels.” Find our collection of Nasrudin stories here:;=724780895
Clearing The Matter Up from The Subtleties of the Inimitable Mulla Nasrudin.
We hope you enjoy the story.
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