About Aubrey…

Before writing and telling stories, Aubrey Davis raised goats, sawed logs and sold antiques. As a young man he traveled across Europe and North Africa where he discovered traditional Teaching-Stories collected by the Afghan writer Idries Shah “These bottomless tales provoked, puzzled and delighted me. They helped me look at things in fresh, new ways. Aubrey began to tell these stories in nursing homes, schools, festivals, libraries and jails; and on radio and television. For 40 years he’s told traditional stories to people of all ages across North America. And he taught oral language for 17 years to primary and special needs students. “I taught them language through stories. They taught me how to tell simple, clear and dramatic tales.”

“One day I was invited to tell a Chanukah story to a young audience. I couldn’t find one I liked, so I wrote Bone Button Borscht. The children loved it and so did the publisher, Kids Can Press.” Aubrey went on to write The Enormous Potato, Bagels from Benny and more award-winning books.

He also helped create The Institute for Cross-cultural Exchange This Canadian charity has donated almost a quarter million books to needy children in Canada and Afghanistan, helping them read and discover what they share and can learn from other peoples. He volunteers for The Institute for the Study of Human Knowledge a charitable educational organization dedicated to cross-cultural understanding and to bringing important research on human nature to the general public. Aubrey has two grown children and three granddaughters. He lives in Toronto with his storytelling wife Sandra Carpenter-Davis.