by Aubrey Davis | Aug 26, 2012 | Nasrudin
The management had called a mass-meeting of all employees. ‘My friends,’ said the managing director, ‘I have to announce that, as from a month hence, this factory is to go over to total automation.’ There was a gasp from the whole audience. ‘All...
by Aubrey Davis | Aug 18, 2012 | Nasrudin
A man stopped Nasrudin and asked him what day of the week it was. ‘Couldn’t tell you,’ said the Mulla. ‘I am a stranger in these parts, I don’t know what days of the week they have here.’
by Aubrey Davis | Aug 16, 2012 | Nasrudin
Walking home one wonderful morning, Nasrudin thought that it would be a good idea to take a short cut through the woods. ‘Why’, he asked himself, ‘should I plod along a dusty road when I could be communing with nature, listening to the birds and looking at the...
by Aubrey Davis | Aug 6, 2012 | Nasrudin
Jalal, an old friend of Nasrudin’s, called one day. The Mulla said, ‘I am delighted to see you after such a long time. I am just about to start on a round of visits, however. Come, walk with me, and we can talk.’ ‘Lend me a decent robe,’ said Jalal, ‘because, as you...
by Aubrey Davis | Jul 28, 2012 | Nasrudin
Nasrudin was lurking near a tavern. He was penniless: and besides wine was forbidden to true believers. The sultan’s cup bearer came out, carefully carrying a delicate flagon of wine. They caught sight of one another at the same moment. ‘Honourable Saki,’ began the...
by Aubrey Davis | Jul 23, 2012 | Nasrudin
The Mulla was walking down the village street deep in thought, when some urchins began to throw stones at him. He was taken by surprise, and besides he was not a big man. ‘Don’t do that, and I will tell you something of interest to you.’ ‘All right, what is it? But no...