A Hen for Izzy Pippik

01 Mar 12
“This is a book to savor and reread …”
Booklist, February 2012
Aubrey Davis, illustrated by Marie Lafrance. Toronto: Kids Can Press, Ltd., 2012.
When Shaina finds a magnificent hen, she knows that Izzy Pippik, the hen’s owner, is sure to return for her. In the meantime, Shaina decides she will care for the animal. But when dozens of eggs hatch and rowdy chickens scatter throughout the village, Shaina must fight the entire town if she has any hope of protecting the birds. Inspired by Jewish and Islamic traditional texts, this is a beautiful tale about doing the right thing, even in the face of adversity.
“Steadfast and quietly amusing, Shaina is a girl to admire.”
Kirkus Reviews, February 2012
“I thoroughly enjoyed A Hen for Izzy Pippik. This morning I read it to a grade 3/4 class. … Wow! For them, the story was deep, deep, deep. Lovely. Deep for me, too, but not in quite the same way…..”
Paula Goepfert, Teacher-Librarian Fairwood PS Keswick Ontario, February 2012
Junior Library Guild Selection